Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tom's in Labor

Tom continues to improve. He was able to see some of the Bucs and Bulls games live and in person last week. He celebrated his own version of labor day. And a boat ride with Cap't Dex around Egmont Island topped off the weekend. We all swam, or treaded water really, and caught more sun rays than fish.
Hope to see some of you at the Rough Rider Toga Night this weekend.
Hugs to all
The Big Fish

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tommy's a Convert

Yippee Yi Yea. With only 200 joules, he converted his heart rhythm to the normal sinus beat. It would take a lot more jewels to get me to convert, but that's a whole new story. It has been said, he's an easy mark, and now we can prove it.

Dr. Applebaum and the fine folks at Pepin Heart hooked him up. The good Doctor even gave him the OK for a beer. Of course I suspect it's because we were at the epicenter of brewski's, Pepin. So in honor of Art Pepin, Tommy may have a cold one tomorrow while watching the 2nd and 3rd strings play for the Bucs. The good news is since it's the last preseason game, the roster is down to the league mandated, there is absolutely no chance of high level excitement, so he may be able to attend!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for a long playing song for his regular rhythm. His next hurdle will be slowly weaning off the meds.

Hugs and kisses to all!!


Friday, August 24, 2007


Yep, Tommy has been sighted (not cited) under the influence. Of caution that is. He is able to work a few hours a day. I don't know if there is a connection, but since he's been on IR, the entire mortgage industry has gone to the dogs. (no Mike Vick jokes here). Thank goodness he's back since the federal reserve had to bail out the secondary market. Whew.
He's walking daily and lifting little pink weights. I think they are about 10lbs each.
We had an EKG done yesterday, thanks to Fire Station 8 and Denny and Big Country, to see if Mr. "I got no rhythm" had finally converted, but he is still being stubborn. Even though Dr. Sheffield put the big squeeze on his ticker, the boys' got funky rhythm. So next week, Dr. Applebaum will hit the restart button on Wednesday to jolt him into sinus rhythm. Once he maintains a regular pattern, hopefully he will be able to get off the drugs.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.
Send some dance steps his way
suzy q

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hearty Har Har

Well I think the joke is on all of us. Tommy is doing fine, had a nice month siesta with round the clock care, didn't lift a finger (really) and what do you know, he feels great! No shit. Now the rest of us can relax and enjoy the Bucs.

Had an appointment with Dr Applebaum, the cardiologist, yesterday and he gave him a checkered flag. Still on all the meds to control his rhythm (or lack thereof), and rate (mortgage business) and thinness of his blood. In another two weeks if he still can't dance, he will undergo another cardio-conversion to shock him into the proper step. The only dance he knows is the escalator, the one with no steps.

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers, they worked!!

Oh and I forgot, Dr. Sheffield who went a few rounds with Tom's mitral valve, released him last week and said adios for another year.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lost Weekend

Tom is having a flash forward moment. Kinda like Groundhog Day. He gets up, takes his meds, naps, watches TV, takes some more pills and then feigns sleep. He is having a tough time sleeping. Lots of fevers and his heart is playing tricks on him. It sounds like a couple mice running around banging into each other and playing on a exercise wheel. It's the couch potato's version of working out. Unfortunately it doesn't let him get much peaceful rest. We've been on the phone to Dr. Applebaum all weekend, and it's HIS weekend off. Poor guy. But health care provider who is truly a doctor. Thanks. again for the hugs and kisses.

Suzy Homemaker

Friday, August 3, 2007

Yankee Doodle Dandy

After much speculation, it is now reported Tommy is the new successor to the Yankee Organization. As one of the reporters admired, "Tom's always had the balls to run around in big circles". Yessir, he's the man. And one of these days I'm going to introduce him to baseball.

Speaking of boring, that is what the doctor ordered for the next few weeks for the big guy. So away we go into seclusion. Mr. Macho is now Mr. Burrito. Stuffed and alone on a plastic plate. Cheesy, slightly tangy and goes well with cervezas. Of course I get all the brewski's.

I will blog daily to the delight of both of the readers, but his visits will have to wait.

As always, he really appreciates your comments and prayers!


Doctor Zhivago

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Couch Potatoes

Tom is recovering day by day. Has found his favorite dent in the couch and slides down into his old habit of lounging with the Military Channel/History Channel blaring away.

Bud was kind enough to drive him to Dr Applebaum yesterday. Had another EKG and a couple other tests. His resting heart rate was a tad to high, so the doctor doubled his beta blocker to keep it in the mid 60's. We go back tomorrow to have his oil checked (blood thickness) . Hopefully it will be somewhere like 10w30 and he will not have to subject his stomach to more injections. Right now he looks like I peppered him with a pellet gun. (not a bad idea when he returns to his pre-disability status).

Thanks to QB Deberg for the valet service on Monday. And to Robby, Denny, and Dave(I'm older than you and my chest is still intact) Small for the babysitting duties. He looks forward to outsiders now. You can only imagine how my presence is driving him to virgin marys.


Hot Lips

This is actually Clay Wiren. A future Couch Spud

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Paris, Lindsay and Tom

Guess what they all have in common? House arrest! Ol' Tommy is sentenced to house arrest for 30 days for violating his valve ordinance. Faulty, rusty, leaky and failing. Now he has to stay put like Lassie at a picnic. So far, so good.

His blood is finally so thin it matches Dexter's hair. He makes another trek to the cardiologist tomorrow for follow up. He'll have some blood drawn, EKG and an exam. Dr. Applebaum will also make some additional recommendations and hopefully some changes in his meds.

Thanks for the correspondence, he is so lonely Dave is looking good.


Suzy Homemaker

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Arena Bowl Sunday

Wow, Sundays are fundays. We went all the way to Bob Evans for breakfast. Who says tough guys can't eat biscuits and gravy? Followed up with a couple sausages, toast, eggs and honey biscuits? Sounds like a Tom McEwen style brunch.

QB 17 Deberg and Jen came by last night for dinner and a movie. Had a couple long walks looking for the elusive peacocks. They have 'gone south' since our low rent neighbors moved in with their houndogs.

Tomorrow he goes back to the Dr. for a test on the thinness of his blood and the stamina of his liver. If they only knew the Patron and Coors Light have put that old organ to the test of time.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. They're working, cause he gets better by the hour!


Go Columbus!!

the good doctor

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Cardiac Kid

Tom can't believe he's missing the Arena Bowl. Of course he's missed the toilet bowl a few times, but there was no scoreboard or referees. Although with the criminal NBA ref (who is from Bradenton), we could have bet on the projectiles and chunks and been rich! He had a follow up appointment with Dr. Matar, a cardiologist, for his coumiden levels and EKG. The great news is he did not hear any murmer. He described it as: "I do not appreciate a murmur here, Tom." Of course Tom took that as a personal insult on his heart-hood, when in fact he was just describing his lack of murmur. These guys are just so literal. So Tommy is to continue his blood thinners, beta blockers (Simeon Rice is available now) and rhythm monitors ( he could really use a brother here). In about 5 weeks, the Dr Matar will determine the course of his arrhythmia and decide if it warrents another procedure.

We celebrated with homemade lasagna and orange juice. What the heck is that about? Have a cold one for us.

Thanks for all your correspondence, he loves reading about himself ;-)


Flo Nightingale

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Miracle Meds

Our bed didn't feel this good on our honeymoon!! Got to stretch our legs and watch tv, just like Mr and Mrs Frump. His family is dwindling, just 2 siblings left today and none after Saturday. Then it's just me and Mr. Magoo.

For those of you who do not know Ben Kelly, here he is trying to look tall while Tommy is trying to look short. The grass is always greener.

I am driving Mr Daisy to the Island for a trip this afternoon. Still not on any pain meds (He thinks he is, I just keep giving him Viagra to keep the sheets off his chest).

Keep those unspoken thoughts coming, it gives him something else to think about (see above)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Home Again Home Again Lickety Split

Yessir, he be home. Surrounded by all his family and the bass in the lake, he landed around noon. He couldn't wait to stretch out on his own bed and snore like a baby(walrus?). He feels like Brittney with a new coiffure. His sisters fed him mashed taters and chicken soup, who on this earth would not "heal brother" with that kind of comfort menu? We all sampled it and now are in a carbohydrate coma. But sweet it is.
His visitors are limited only by the Nazi who scribes this. Please call me prior to visiting. He is great, just tired. Who knew, you get your chest carved open and feel a tad under the happy hour weather? Bud Levell ( yes the father of the son who is the knock out nurse) did visit and of course they had to compare sternal scars. I was just glad it ended there. A few more inches and the worms would be as nervous as the sheep.
To be continued .............
Nazi Nurse

Yes, boys and girls it's that time. Tom wanted to know if this makes him look fat? (Connie, he really needs to know). It's back to the straight and narrow for Tommy. No more Tequila Man for weeks. Overall a good experience, well maybe not for him, since he looks like Jason tried to tattoo his chest. And we had to postpone the surgery since it would fall on Friday the 13th. Geeze I can only imagine the artwork that day. Back to Odessa and the peace and quiet of Lake Keystone. And with Lindsay Lohan out of the loop, no need to stay here any longer.

I'll blog on as he progresses. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. All of it worked, cause he's here and healthy! Nice Nurse Suzy

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Call Girls

Tommy is surrounded by his "call girls" Hopefully this is our last night as Chateau General. As fine as the service and hospitality have been, all good things must come to an end. Tommy's sisters. Melanie (yes she really was named after the femme fatale in Gone with the Wind and Georgiann, who must have been named after the female SEC champs).
Dr. Klasko, Dean of the Medical School at USF and about thirty other titles has really been a friend to Eagle Tom. He has helped us in so many ways getting appointments and finding the right Docs. We are very grateful for all his input. Now for the rest of the story. He will be on probation for 30 days, meaning no work (ahh), no driving, no drinking (Robby says that leaves more for him since the universe demands so much consumption).I ask all of you to keep him in your thoughts and prayers for an uneventful recovery. He is allowed small visits, but no stress. He can walk as much as he pleases. (Hopefully he finds his way home). He will stay on the blood thinners, beta blockers (I could use those thigh blockers), and anti-inflammatories. He will certainly need his buddies, but please use with caution. And have a cold one for me! Suzy

Shabby Security and Coach Martin

Such a small world of high school athletics. Tom has had three kids he has coached over the years attend him here at TGH. Jason Ancer is his nurse today, Scott Levell his nurse anesthestist, and another kid who help shave his chest. (not exactly his idea of happy ending).

Finally got the central line out of his neck, and had another one inserted in his arm. They just like to keep poking hiim to see if he squirts Hoosier Juice (I think that's a form of Coors Light).

And now the Top Ten Reasons to Stay at Tampa General Hospital:

#10 Low Salt, Low Fat, Low taste diet
# 9. The EKG/XM Radio Combo

#8. Sponge baths by Hakim

#7. Shopping the Implant Boutique

#6. Nurse Ratchet

#5. Latex bedding

#4. Hourly vital signs

#3. United Nations version of "transporters" (wheel chair pushers)

#2. Monkey-Assed Gowns

and the # 1 reason: Wet Nurses

West Side Baby, Ali G

Yesterday after Tom underwent the cardio-conversion, after he had a good dose of milk of amnesia ( a short acting anesthesia), and after he had the paddling of his life, he was coming out of his fog, and became Santa. He sat straight up (he's not supposed to use his arms) and announced "I'm here for a penile implant" and slurred something about Santa's Sausage, followed by a rant about a circular saw and going to a bar. Dr. Curtis, who has obviously not been to the Christmas Party, was somewhat awed. Even under the direst of circumstances, ol' Tommy was trying to be funny. The male nurse was cracking up. They let me watch the procedure so I would be sure he received his just dose of Ole' Sparky. Tom of course, claims "under the influence", and no long term memory of his checkered actions. Dr. Sheffield's ARNP, Kim checked in on him just now and would like to send him packing, but with the levels of blood thinner, wants to keep him in more day. This gives him more time to get the blood values just right. He, of course is thrilled.

Squatter Suzy

Monday, July 23, 2007

Good Game

Well Tom finally got paddled to change his rhythm. But he remains a tall white guy with only atrial flutter. He did undergo the cardio-conversion procedure, ans he stayed in sinus (the good) rhythm for only 5 minutes, then converted back to atrial fib. Bummer. So the next step is to wait and see if by chance it turns itself around, and if not, they may decide to retry again in a couple weeks. Dr. Sheffield returns tomorrow night and we will know more then.
This is Dr. Sheffield working on the old man.
Tom is getting tired of Bay News 9 so we need to get home and he can marinate with the History Channel.
Dr. Feelgood

Shocking News

I think he's just asking for more attention, however, he is to undergo one more procedure this afternoon. Dr. Curtis and her team are going to perform a cardio-conversion. That's like Chris dropping a hair dryer into your hot tub. Or as Dr. Radice says, like Paris Hilton reading an encyclopedia. Absolutely shocking. Tom says it like hitting the reset button. If it is effective, the atrial fib will be a thing of the past. Sinus rhythm here we come!!All going well, we are looking at
returning to Odessa on Wednesday.
Scott Levell stopped by again today. Tom coached him in high school (Gaither) and he won the State in track. Now of course he wants a piece of his old coach. Not really, he is a nurse anesthetist with the group here and we have been so fortunate to have him around. He intubated Tom for the surgery and has really looked after him the whole time. Even going so far as to clean the surgical suite prior to the valve job. Thanks Scotty!
Blog you later!
Nursey Nursey

Upright and Uptight

Tom's a Fibber

Well wouldn't you know O'l Tommy is just being stubborn. Still in atrial fibrillation. Dr. Sheffield is going to contact Dr Anne Curtis, who is the expert in electrophysics and is president of the Heart Rhythm Society ( now I want to know who has ever heard of the heart rhythm society?? )Tom thought it was an R/B Band playing at Skippers. Dr. Curtis is also professor and director of USF Heart Health and CEO of Cardiovascular Services. Whew. She will come by and make a decision as to pacing the heart in a lab using a pacemaker device. Kind of like a joy stick attached to his ticker. They shock it with the wires that are still attached to the atrium until she reaches the level of sinus rhythm she desires. Just give me one shot at those wires. Oops, did I say that? If successful, he will get escorted back to Odessa where he belongs. If not, he will stay till Wednesday and he gets the big shock treatment. The advantage of getting back in sinc is the reduction of blood thinners and his heart not having to work so hard.
If anyone has seen Tom dance, you can only imagine his rhythm challenges.
And he finally got his sponge bath, only it was from Hakim. Great visual if you use your imagination. ;-)
Thanks again for your posts!
Naughty Nurse

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Sunday

It's just like after a fun weekend with Tommy on the couch hanging around. Only he didn't get to have any fun. I guess he had way too much fun yesterday with all his visitors. Lots of friends came to pay their homage to the new "Valve Man". Steve and Jen, Mick and Tina, Dex, Robby John and Sue, Dave, Mike Mashke and Jim and Melinda who were kind enough to get Tom's phone fixed and visit from afar. He is now on visit shutdown till he gets his atrial fib under control. It has still not converted, so in the near future Dr. Sheffield will have to try some more magic.
Tom has been a trooper (yes F-Trooper). The only pain medication has been morphine the day of surgery, which he hated and then refused to take again. The anti-inflammatory toradol for 3 shots and Tylenol today. We are waiting for some ibuprofen to help with the aches and fever.
Sarah, the office manager at my office was so kind to deliver chicken and rice for dinner. It was fabulous. The food here is just shy of Raiford or Starke. Just hold the electrical impulses. Ugh.
The Nurses by and large have been good. Last night's version was Big Nurse Ratchet. I know it's a teaching hospital, but how do you teach compassion? I think she skipped all four years.
Tom's brother, John and sister Georgiann were able to visit for 5 minutes. Thanks to Melanie, Shelby, Sue, Jim and Melinda for the visit by proxy. And like Scarlett said "tomorrow is another day".
Hugs and kisses to all
Heeeere"s Tommy. Now all we need is Ed McMahon for the intro. " His port is leaking a tad, and no there was not a shoot out here last night. With the blood thinners, it looks like he's been in a rumble.
He was able to walk the hallways a couple times and up a few stairs. Dr. Sheffield was just in (does this guy have a life?) and basically told us he may stay in atrial fib for weeks, but that at some point he will stop it with either meds or some other less desirable procedures. Let's hope the drugs will do it. So as of now, he's back on an IV and monitors and looking like something out of Grey's Anatomy.
His spirits are good .
Keep your emails and comments coming. He enjoys hearing all the drivel from his buddies.
suzy, the nurse

Day 3

After a very encouraging day, the night proved to be anything but. Tom went back into atrial fibrillation and stayed there. After many calls to the Dr. the nurse finally spoke to him around 10. I certainly do not fault Dr. Sheffield for getting some shut eye. The guys never sleeps. He does surgery all day and takes call at night. Whew. At any rate, he is now back on the stomach shots of heparin, an oral blood thinner and a beta blocker. He also just had a percocet that made him see the future. He is also on a beta blocker. In the past week, he has had more medication than his entire life. (minus the tequila and coors light). And I can't tell you how much he would trade for that attitude enhancer right now.
He just got his morning belly shot. And a boiled egg. Not exactly like Rocky, but a distant cousin.
Since he had a set back, the Doc has decreed no visitors today. He has yet to sleep, so today is Sunday, his day of rest.
I will update again this afternoon.
Again thanks for your thoughts and prayers. When you respond back I will read them all to Uncle Tom.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Up and Atom

Tom's up and having brunch. Cold strangled bird droppings and white bread. Breakfast of Champions. Most of the plumbing has been removed. Robby wanted to play nurse and remove the catheter, but luckily he missed his chance. We are waiting for Dr. Sheffield to come in and give us the word Tom can move to the step-down unit. Still considered ICU, but less one on one. And he's still waiting for the sponge bath from the Candy Strippers.
Tom can now hold his own

It's a Brand New Day

Well so much for a Rolling Stone Wanna Be. Since the morphine didn't do the trick, the nurse Patty, suggested Toradol. Well it was like Tom's brother dancing. Well not exactly, it did work. And work it did. He immediately felt better. It's a powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory sometimes used after surgery and sometimes used at Arena Football Games. This morning after his second shot, he was sitting up! What a grand sight that is. Especially since he's sitting on the full moon.
He is going to get breakfast, like in real food, for the first time since Wednesday night.
I just keep getting Starbucks and getting jacked up on caffeine and wanting to talk to strangers. The irony of this place is right next to the caffeine stand, is a McDonalds. What better way to promote heart health I say. Great marketing strategy. Couple Big Macs rinsed down with a double latte and I'm in Cardiac Heaven!
John and Sue arrived at the strike of midnight and were able to see ol' Sawbones for a few minutes.
Thanks again for all the well wishes!
SaSaSuzzzzzy (just one more latte, please)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Keith Richards and Tom

A few more shots of morphine and he'll be Keith! He is still in a great deal of pain, even with the drugs. Can't eat yet cause the nurses are afraid he may get sick. And since his chest has been carved open, just the idea of breathing is a chore. I'm staying here tonight. His sister and brother and sister in law arrive late tonight. Visiting hours are over at 8:30, however they did let me stay till ten feeding him some ice cubes. (no Patron, what's up with that?)

Thanks again for all the shout-outs and prayers.



Tom is now in ICU. Of course seeing Tom with more tubes running to and fro is like Dexter trying to fix a generator. He's just starting to recognize us. We've had great friends who visited today. Denny, Alison, Big Country, Chris, Melanie, Andy & Marsha. His shaved chest looks awesome! Chris, Denny & Big Country have been feeding him ice chips, what a sight!!! Hopefully he'll get some rest tonight. Signing off for the night.

Thanks for all your prayer & good wishes.

Tom's Valve Job

Dr. Sheffield just gave us the good word. He was able to repair the mitral valve using the Cosgrove procedure and surgery. He said it was very extensive, but he felt like it would "last a lifetime". He is now waiting to make sure the bleeding stops and all his other functions are working. We are all VERY relieved. Now we wait for the news he is in recovery.
We are blessed to have great friends here to help us along.
Dave, Jim Dex, Netta Michelle, Chris and Chicken Dan!!

After only 6 1/2 hours of waiting, we just heard that it's going to be about one more hour. All is going as planned. Netta Radice just joined us. We're trying to keep Suzy busy. We are all fine and Dave is holding his own! -Michelle

This is the happy version of lit'l Tommy. Just before "Saw III" started.


After a night of restless twists and turns, Tom was wheeled down to the surgery floor for his moment with the saw blade. yikes. Especially considering it was 6am. If you can imagine both of us sharing a single bed and wrestling for a single sheet. It was a battle royale. Now comes the part where we wait, and wait, and wait. We did meet with Dr Sheffield last night for an hour. He was very reassuring in regards to mitral valve repair vs. replacement. He will try and repair the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve and then used a Cosgrove ring to reinforce the structure. Dr. Sheffield studied this procedure with the inventor, Dr. Cosgrove at the famed Cleveland Clinic. Tom and I were very impressed with Dr. Sheffield and his credentials. Should he not be able to repair it, he will. If not, he will replace it with a mechanical valve. That was Tom's choice since the mechanical one will last a lifetime, and the porcine (pig) and bovine (cow) have a life expectancy of 10-20 years.

Dave Klassen and Michelle Anderson are here now and we hope some of the rest of the clan will join the fray.

I will post again when I get the first update from the surgery.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Tom is wired up

He has been poked and prodded, photographed from inside and out, had all his sound waves checked and is now ready for the meeting with the Doctor.

Speaking of Rough Riders

Cardiac Cath

Just to see Tommy in a gown is a real treat. Just ask most of the nurses and Doctors. The word full moon comes to mind. He is now down in the Cardiac Cath lab with tubes running into his groin area up to his heart. (please insert all your own groin jokes here). The catheters will run into the vessels (arteries and veins) up to his heart.They will inject contrast dye to distinguish certain certain features. Once the tubes are in place, they will take pictures from different views to get a good idea of the structures and functions of the valves. Tom's major problem is his mitral valve, which is the door between the top of the left side of his heart and the bottom. His has malfunctioned and swings both ways (again please insert all sexually inspired jokes here)..
Once this test is completed, his next assignment is the TEE, transesophageal echocardiogram. Now he gets to swallow a tube (you know the drill here) with a camera that can peek at the back of the heart to see how the valve is functioning.
After those, he will be admitted and we meet with Dr. Sheffield to determine the best avenue for fixing his valve.
When we were registering this am, he did ask for a suite, mini-bar key, and a candy stripper. Who knew?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This is my second attempt at blogging. Please log on to this site to get an update on Tommy. We are packing for our trip to Tampa General. I always thought Tom was like the Tin Man, but I guess we will find out tomorrow.

Gettin Ready

Tom is scheduled for a couple tests tomorrow. The first one is a TEE, (not a Hee Hee Hee). Transesophlageal echocardiogram in the morning and then for his happy hour: a cardiac catherization. Based on the outcome of those two, we will meet with Dr. Sheffield and determine which surgical procedure will best suite ol' Tommy.