Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Shabby Security and Coach Martin

Such a small world of high school athletics. Tom has had three kids he has coached over the years attend him here at TGH. Jason Ancer is his nurse today, Scott Levell his nurse anesthestist, and another kid who help shave his chest. (not exactly his idea of happy ending).

Finally got the central line out of his neck, and had another one inserted in his arm. They just like to keep poking hiim to see if he squirts Hoosier Juice (I think that's a form of Coors Light).

And now the Top Ten Reasons to Stay at Tampa General Hospital:

#10 Low Salt, Low Fat, Low taste diet
# 9. The EKG/XM Radio Combo

#8. Sponge baths by Hakim

#7. Shopping the Implant Boutique

#6. Nurse Ratchet

#5. Latex bedding

#4. Hourly vital signs

#3. United Nations version of "transporters" (wheel chair pushers)

#2. Monkey-Assed Gowns

and the # 1 reason: Wet Nurses

West Side Baby, Ali G


Michelle Anderson said...

I think you need to switch careers and become a comedy writer. WHO KNEW!!??
I always knew that you were funny, but now it goes deeper than your looks. Ba-da-dunt!
Hurry and bring Tommy home. Can he have visitors today?

mikelowrey said...

Just got the news on Sunday and am in Michigan.....took that long to figure out the blog thing once Kov. gave me the address. Hospitals suck....please do not try to beat my record (3 weeks at St Joe)where I was known as the "Demerol King". You sound like you are in good hands! Lowreys