Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Call Girls

Tommy is surrounded by his "call girls" Hopefully this is our last night as Chateau General. As fine as the service and hospitality have been, all good things must come to an end. Tommy's sisters. Melanie (yes she really was named after the femme fatale in Gone with the Wind and Georgiann, who must have been named after the female SEC champs).
Dr. Klasko, Dean of the Medical School at USF and about thirty other titles has really been a friend to Eagle Tom. He has helped us in so many ways getting appointments and finding the right Docs. We are very grateful for all his input. Now for the rest of the story. He will be on probation for 30 days, meaning no work (ahh), no driving, no drinking (Robby says that leaves more for him since the universe demands so much consumption).I ask all of you to keep him in your thoughts and prayers for an uneventful recovery. He is allowed small visits, but no stress. He can walk as much as he pleases. (Hopefully he finds his way home). He will stay on the blood thinners, beta blockers (I could use those thigh blockers), and anti-inflammatories. He will certainly need his buddies, but please use with caution. And have a cold one for me! Suzy


Elkins said...

Tom & Susan, Glad to hear Tom is doing better and on the road to recovery! Would have answered you sooner, but you know how the firewalls are at MetLife!! Take care and Susan take care of you. See you soon

Charles & Nancy Elkins

Chuck said...

Hey Tom,

Greeting from a New Port Richey Rough Rider. Glad to hear you are back among the upright. Getting a free pass for the next few months is a pretty good deal, enjoy, recover and milk it for as long as possible!
Teresa and I wish you a speedy recovery and good health giong forward,

Chuck & Teresa Hollweg