Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This is my second attempt at blogging. Please log on to this site to get an update on Tommy. We are packing for our trip to Tampa General. I always thought Tom was like the Tin Man, but I guess we will find out tomorrow.


Palooza said...

Best of luck with the procedures Tom, everything will be fine so try to relax. See ya at the next F-Troop function and lets get ready to ruuuuuumble!

Nick and Annette said...

Tom and Susan, we will be out of town but will be checking in on Tom's progress.This is probably not going to be as much fun as Ireland for you. Definitely not as much beer!But Tom, you will be getting lot's of R&R and walking in, AND you will be in TIPTOP shape when you do go to Ireland!

Bill Barrs said...

Two words for the doctors: Monkey Bars.
And for the nurses, it's OK he's a coach.

Jennifer Ellis said...

Tommy, Geeze... You've got the best physique of all of us. Would would have thought! We love you and wish you all the best! Keep up your great attitude! We'll see ya soon. Jen xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow, Tom! Just about fell off my barstool when I heard the news! Hang in there and know I'm thinking of you! - Party Peg Tolle

Unknown said...

WoW, Tom. I just about fell off my barstool when I heard the news! Hang in there and listen to the Nazi Nurse. We want you back in food form SOON! - Party Peg Tolle