Friday, July 20, 2007


After a night of restless twists and turns, Tom was wheeled down to the surgery floor for his moment with the saw blade. yikes. Especially considering it was 6am. If you can imagine both of us sharing a single bed and wrestling for a single sheet. It was a battle royale. Now comes the part where we wait, and wait, and wait. We did meet with Dr Sheffield last night for an hour. He was very reassuring in regards to mitral valve repair vs. replacement. He will try and repair the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve and then used a Cosgrove ring to reinforce the structure. Dr. Sheffield studied this procedure with the inventor, Dr. Cosgrove at the famed Cleveland Clinic. Tom and I were very impressed with Dr. Sheffield and his credentials. Should he not be able to repair it, he will. If not, he will replace it with a mechanical valve. That was Tom's choice since the mechanical one will last a lifetime, and the porcine (pig) and bovine (cow) have a life expectancy of 10-20 years.

Dave Klassen and Michelle Anderson are here now and we hope some of the rest of the clan will join the fray.

I will post again when I get the first update from the surgery.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.


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