Thursday, July 26, 2007

Miracle Meds

Our bed didn't feel this good on our honeymoon!! Got to stretch our legs and watch tv, just like Mr and Mrs Frump. His family is dwindling, just 2 siblings left today and none after Saturday. Then it's just me and Mr. Magoo.

For those of you who do not know Ben Kelly, here he is trying to look tall while Tommy is trying to look short. The grass is always greener.

I am driving Mr Daisy to the Island for a trip this afternoon. Still not on any pain meds (He thinks he is, I just keep giving him Viagra to keep the sheets off his chest).

Keep those unspoken thoughts coming, it gives him something else to think about (see above)


brian castor said...

Hey Tom glad your still with us! Sucks getting old, but sure beats the alternative. Hope you get the all clear from the Doc for the August 10th opener. (bring your meds) Do what the boss (Susan) tells you and it will only get better. Brian Castor

BILL GEYER said...

Is the trip to Davis Island (TGH)or "The Island"? No Meds? you are The Man! We'll miss you at the Rough Rider Navy social at Rick,s Friday night. But just hang in there. you'll be back in fighting (drinking) weight before you know it. Pay attention to the Nurse Nazi, she helped get you this far. Bill

K.R, Lombardia said...

Tom, I'm glad you are home and doing better. I was shocked at what happened to you. You look in great shape all the time. Take it easy. Look forward to seeing you. Do what the doctor says. We need you around for a lot lot longer.


Ernesto said...

Tommy can you see me, Tommy can you hear me.

Walston, David #469 said...

Tom, glad to hear your on the road to a cold beer. Listen to the Nazi Nurse (like you have a choice) I will keep you in my prayers brother! Walston

Anonymous said...

good morning Tom...
glad you are doing ok...went by Tampa General yesterday on my boat ..waved at all the windows until chased away by security..haha..
real hot in my duster...need to install a cooling system...
hope you have a fast track to recovery...let me know if you need anything...
best to you...Herman

package said...

Hey Tom, glad to here you are kicking and ticking. I remember you once said,, Hay Grant, look, not bad for an old guy…well if you don’t remember, I wont go through a lot of detail…haha.
I looks like you are still doing pretty damn good; especially after surgery!!
I’m sure I will see you back in business as a Mexican cop in no time!!!!
Get lots of rest so I can we can arm wrestle….
PS. try to stay of the prescription meds………See you soon, Grant.

Smoke Filled Room said...

yeah Tom... what they didn't see in the picture was my matching pumps! I was the hit of the party!