Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tommy's a Convert

Yippee Yi Yea. With only 200 joules, he converted his heart rhythm to the normal sinus beat. It would take a lot more jewels to get me to convert, but that's a whole new story. It has been said, he's an easy mark, and now we can prove it.

Dr. Applebaum and the fine folks at Pepin Heart hooked him up. The good Doctor even gave him the OK for a beer. Of course I suspect it's because we were at the epicenter of brewski's, Pepin. So in honor of Art Pepin, Tommy may have a cold one tomorrow while watching the 2nd and 3rd strings play for the Bucs. The good news is since it's the last preseason game, the roster is down to the league mandated, there is absolutely no chance of high level excitement, so he may be able to attend!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for a long playing song for his regular rhythm. His next hurdle will be slowly weaning off the meds.

Hugs and kisses to all!!
