Monday, July 23, 2007

Upright and Uptight


Netta said...

Good morning Tom and Susan!

Hope today will be a good day for Tom and his ticker. Can we call you Ticky Tommy now? Or Ricky Ticky Tommy?

Thanks for keeping us posted with all the purdy pictures of Tom with his fabulous legs and messy gown. All he needs is a tiara.

Have a peaceful healing day. Once they allow the riff raff back in to visit you - we'll be right there.

love Netta and Mike

Chris said...

Hi guys!
Tom, how well does Hakim give a bath? Just theraputic or a REAL bath?
If all you need now is shock treatment, I would be glad to volunteer.
Kerry and I are Praying for you, get better soon!

Chris said...

Hey guys! Tom, how well does Hakim give a bath? Is it a REAL bath or just a "theraputic" bath?
If you just need shock therapy, I would be happy to help.
Kerry and I will continue to pray for you both.

stan williams said...

this is my first attempt to blog-

Julia and I took Chester- our dog- to a yappy hour (DOG Happy Hour) in Ybor sunday- wiSh you could have been there instead of TGH