Monday, July 23, 2007

Shocking News

I think he's just asking for more attention, however, he is to undergo one more procedure this afternoon. Dr. Curtis and her team are going to perform a cardio-conversion. That's like Chris dropping a hair dryer into your hot tub. Or as Dr. Radice says, like Paris Hilton reading an encyclopedia. Absolutely shocking. Tom says it like hitting the reset button. If it is effective, the atrial fib will be a thing of the past. Sinus rhythm here we come!!All going well, we are looking at
returning to Odessa on Wednesday.
Scott Levell stopped by again today. Tom coached him in high school (Gaither) and he won the State in track. Now of course he wants a piece of his old coach. Not really, he is a nurse anesthetist with the group here and we have been so fortunate to have him around. He intubated Tom for the surgery and has really looked after him the whole time. Even going so far as to clean the surgical suite prior to the valve job. Thanks Scotty!
Blog you later!
Nursey Nursey


Tall Blonde said...

Tom, stop faking! We promise we'll pay EVEN MORE ATTENTION to you at the next Social/Debriefing :) I hope this wasn't undue stressed from you not getting me my personally kissed and autographed Coach Leavitt picture. No worries! Heading to Mile Marker 0 next month. Praying for your speedy recovery! Hope to see you at the next Social/Debriefing! Tall Blonde LTB Class of 2007

Jim Rupert said...

Take it easy, and slow it will all be fine, I will see you when things level out and you get home, Your Partner Jim