Friday, August 24, 2007


Yep, Tommy has been sighted (not cited) under the influence. Of caution that is. He is able to work a few hours a day. I don't know if there is a connection, but since he's been on IR, the entire mortgage industry has gone to the dogs. (no Mike Vick jokes here). Thank goodness he's back since the federal reserve had to bail out the secondary market. Whew.
He's walking daily and lifting little pink weights. I think they are about 10lbs each.
We had an EKG done yesterday, thanks to Fire Station 8 and Denny and Big Country, to see if Mr. "I got no rhythm" had finally converted, but he is still being stubborn. Even though Dr. Sheffield put the big squeeze on his ticker, the boys' got funky rhythm. So next week, Dr. Applebaum will hit the restart button on Wednesday to jolt him into sinus rhythm. Once he maintains a regular pattern, hopefully he will be able to get off the drugs.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.
Send some dance steps his way
suzy q

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