Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Home Again Home Again Lickety Split

Yessir, he be home. Surrounded by all his family and the bass in the lake, he landed around noon. He couldn't wait to stretch out on his own bed and snore like a baby(walrus?). He feels like Brittney with a new coiffure. His sisters fed him mashed taters and chicken soup, who on this earth would not "heal brother" with that kind of comfort menu? We all sampled it and now are in a carbohydrate coma. But sweet it is.
His visitors are limited only by the Nazi who scribes this. Please call me prior to visiting. He is great, just tired. Who knew, you get your chest carved open and feel a tad under the happy hour weather? Bud Levell ( yes the father of the son who is the knock out nurse) did visit and of course they had to compare sternal scars. I was just glad it ended there. A few more inches and the worms would be as nervous as the sheep.
To be continued .............
Nazi Nurse


Sandy said...

Soooo glad you guys are home safe and sound. Was good to see you yesterday ... PLEASE call on Stevie for rides etc. Maybe even set up a schedule of ____ morning's a week blah, blah, blah. I only have so much yard work to keep him busy ... hey ... I'm sure Tommy can't so yard work for some time ... Stevie trims a mean bush .. (did I say that?) His cell 727 644 0608. Mine 727 492 5013 ... my email ... on a sleepless night send me some stuff on the storm and I will take to the Doc. Hope to see you again soon in your more comfortable environment!

Jim Fielder said...

Congratulations! I believe we all should be resting better now.



Bryan Sykes said...

Glad to hear your home - if there's anything ya'll need, don't hestitate to call!

Smoke Filled Room said...

Hey Tom!

Glad your out and hopefully feeling better.... I guess what sucks is they took the morphine drip away (Gota hate that!).

Stay calm and rest... don't bet on the Devil Rays!

Love Ben & Heather!

PS: Heather wants to know if you have new briefs! (what's that about?)