Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 3

After a very encouraging day, the night proved to be anything but. Tom went back into atrial fibrillation and stayed there. After many calls to the Dr. the nurse finally spoke to him around 10. I certainly do not fault Dr. Sheffield for getting some shut eye. The guys never sleeps. He does surgery all day and takes call at night. Whew. At any rate, he is now back on the stomach shots of heparin, an oral blood thinner and a beta blocker. He also just had a percocet that made him see the future. He is also on a beta blocker. In the past week, he has had more medication than his entire life. (minus the tequila and coors light). And I can't tell you how much he would trade for that attitude enhancer right now.
He just got his morning belly shot. And a boiled egg. Not exactly like Rocky, but a distant cousin.
Since he had a set back, the Doc has decreed no visitors today. He has yet to sleep, so today is Sunday, his day of rest.
I will update again this afternoon.
Again thanks for your thoughts and prayers. When you respond back I will read them all to Uncle Tom.


Michelle Anderson said...

Get some good rest Tommy!I know it's not the couch at home yet, but just close your eyes and try to image it. Stay strong!

Netta said...

We'll postpone our visit the updates let us know when we can join you.

Starbucks DOES sell Decaf, Sussan.
But Mike finds it ruins the taste of the egg mcmuffin.

Hang in there!
love Net