Monday, July 23, 2007

Good Game

Well Tom finally got paddled to change his rhythm. But he remains a tall white guy with only atrial flutter. He did undergo the cardio-conversion procedure, ans he stayed in sinus (the good) rhythm for only 5 minutes, then converted back to atrial fib. Bummer. So the next step is to wait and see if by chance it turns itself around, and if not, they may decide to retry again in a couple weeks. Dr. Sheffield returns tomorrow night and we will know more then.
This is Dr. Sheffield working on the old man.
Tom is getting tired of Bay News 9 so we need to get home and he can marinate with the History Channel.
Dr. Feelgood


Michelle Anderson said...

Thanks for all of the updates. I know that it's a lot of work, and we really appreciate knowing the details. Don't forget to take care of yourself, too.
We love you guys!
Michelle and Austin

Sandy said...

Can bring you a fire extinguisher (courtesy of the Thieves) if it will help you sleep at night. Stevie wants to be sure you know that F-Troop allows wheelchairs! No girls in F-Troop so Stevie has promised to push you in the Key West Parade! Suzy, please let us know when we can come for a visit and thanks for keeping us updated. Stevie and Sandy

Joy said...

I just got back from San Diego and heard about Tom. Thanks for starting and keeping up the blog. I read in an earlier posting that Tom might need a tiara. He's worn mine before (I have the pictures to prove it), I can bring it by if it will help make him feel better. You know everything's better with a tiara on your head. Please let the Ladies of Grace know if you need anything. Slap Tom on the butt and give him a "good game" for me.

Mako Dude said...

Great to hear you are on the road to recovery. Jon Gruden was asking about you.
Jeff Garcia is old and frail, Chris Simms,has no spleen and Gradkowski is as Polish as Eddie Benus . Gruden may need QB this season.
Frank Reno