Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's a Brand New Day

Well so much for a Rolling Stone Wanna Be. Since the morphine didn't do the trick, the nurse Patty, suggested Toradol. Well it was like Tom's brother dancing. Well not exactly, it did work. And work it did. He immediately felt better. It's a powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory sometimes used after surgery and sometimes used at Arena Football Games. This morning after his second shot, he was sitting up! What a grand sight that is. Especially since he's sitting on the full moon.
He is going to get breakfast, like in real food, for the first time since Wednesday night.
I just keep getting Starbucks and getting jacked up on caffeine and wanting to talk to strangers. The irony of this place is right next to the caffeine stand, is a McDonalds. What better way to promote heart health I say. Great marketing strategy. Couple Big Macs rinsed down with a double latte and I'm in Cardiac Heaven!
John and Sue arrived at the strike of midnight and were able to see ol' Sawbones for a few minutes.
Thanks again for all the well wishes!
SaSaSuzzzzzy (just one more latte, please)


Smoke Filled Room said...

Hey Tom stay away from the "Brown Acid"!
(I guess you had to see the movie)

Glad your doing well... Dr. Shefield is great! He is the one that cut Norman open... of course after he did he had to wipe all the BBQ sauce off his scrubbs.

I've never been in the hospital before, how are those spunge baths?

Anyway... glad your doing well and I'm sure you'll be up and around in no time! Your the greatest!

Ben Kelly

Cammie said...

Dear Tom,

So glad to hear your awake and kicking! I am sure you are giving them a run for their money in that place.

Our prayers continue for a quick recovery and back to having fun.

Joey & Cammie

Unknown said...

I jusy got to the blog. I couldn't open it last night (so much for being able to work the keyboard on a Friday night after two tinis).

It sounds like Tom is in great hands. The tubes can be pretty overwhelming. (Brings back memories of Mom and her recent CCU visit.)

The Docs and nurses are little angels placed he on earth to help us understand the magical wonders of our human body. I say a prayer for them too.

Tell Tom that there is plenty of Patron waiting for him on the next parade. Until then make steady progress . . .

Again, Susan,, if there is anything I or our Krewe can do for you please tell us and consider it done.

Rose Bowen

Sarah said...

Hey, Tom is looking great. Glad to see him up and smiling. If you need anything, please call or text message me. I'll be down tomorrow to check on you both. Sarah