Friday, July 27, 2007

The Cardiac Kid

Tom can't believe he's missing the Arena Bowl. Of course he's missed the toilet bowl a few times, but there was no scoreboard or referees. Although with the criminal NBA ref (who is from Bradenton), we could have bet on the projectiles and chunks and been rich! He had a follow up appointment with Dr. Matar, a cardiologist, for his coumiden levels and EKG. The great news is he did not hear any murmer. He described it as: "I do not appreciate a murmur here, Tom." Of course Tom took that as a personal insult on his heart-hood, when in fact he was just describing his lack of murmur. These guys are just so literal. So Tommy is to continue his blood thinners, beta blockers (Simeon Rice is available now) and rhythm monitors ( he could really use a brother here). In about 5 weeks, the Dr Matar will determine the course of his arrhythmia and decide if it warrents another procedure.

We celebrated with homemade lasagna and orange juice. What the heck is that about? Have a cold one for us.

Thanks for all your correspondence, he loves reading about himself ;-)


Flo Nightingale

1 comment:

Tom Springer said...

Tommy - Damn, boy! A little extreme [even for you] just to cop a bit of attention and some sympathy.... Come back strong, kiddo. Later, Springer