Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Sunday

It's just like after a fun weekend with Tommy on the couch hanging around. Only he didn't get to have any fun. I guess he had way too much fun yesterday with all his visitors. Lots of friends came to pay their homage to the new "Valve Man". Steve and Jen, Mick and Tina, Dex, Robby John and Sue, Dave, Mike Mashke and Jim and Melinda who were kind enough to get Tom's phone fixed and visit from afar. He is now on visit shutdown till he gets his atrial fib under control. It has still not converted, so in the near future Dr. Sheffield will have to try some more magic.
Tom has been a trooper (yes F-Trooper). The only pain medication has been morphine the day of surgery, which he hated and then refused to take again. The anti-inflammatory toradol for 3 shots and Tylenol today. We are waiting for some ibuprofen to help with the aches and fever.
Sarah, the office manager at my office was so kind to deliver chicken and rice for dinner. It was fabulous. The food here is just shy of Raiford or Starke. Just hold the electrical impulses. Ugh.
The Nurses by and large have been good. Last night's version was Big Nurse Ratchet. I know it's a teaching hospital, but how do you teach compassion? I think she skipped all four years.
Tom's brother, John and sister Georgiann were able to visit for 5 minutes. Thanks to Melanie, Shelby, Sue, Jim and Melinda for the visit by proxy. And like Scarlett said "tomorrow is another day".
Hugs and kisses to all

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