Friday, July 20, 2007


Tom is now in ICU. Of course seeing Tom with more tubes running to and fro is like Dexter trying to fix a generator. He's just starting to recognize us. We've had great friends who visited today. Denny, Alison, Big Country, Chris, Melanie, Andy & Marsha. His shaved chest looks awesome! Chris, Denny & Big Country have been feeding him ice chips, what a sight!!! Hopefully he'll get some rest tonight. Signing off for the night.

Thanks for all your prayer & good wishes.

1 comment:

Walling Grove Plantation said...


Glad to hear you are doing well. I was quite surprised to read the RR Email about your surgery. I guess all those cigars, hard liquor, and 75lbs of beads around your throat finally caught up with you. I'll try to come by and cheer you up on Saturday. Stay off the Viagra in the mean time.
