Thursday, August 2, 2007

Couch Potatoes

Tom is recovering day by day. Has found his favorite dent in the couch and slides down into his old habit of lounging with the Military Channel/History Channel blaring away.

Bud was kind enough to drive him to Dr Applebaum yesterday. Had another EKG and a couple other tests. His resting heart rate was a tad to high, so the doctor doubled his beta blocker to keep it in the mid 60's. We go back tomorrow to have his oil checked (blood thickness) . Hopefully it will be somewhere like 10w30 and he will not have to subject his stomach to more injections. Right now he looks like I peppered him with a pellet gun. (not a bad idea when he returns to his pre-disability status).

Thanks to QB Deberg for the valet service on Monday. And to Robby, Denny, and Dave(I'm older than you and my chest is still intact) Small for the babysitting duties. He looks forward to outsiders now. You can only imagine how my presence is driving him to virgin marys.


Hot Lips

This is actually Clay Wiren. A future Couch Spud

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