Friday, July 20, 2007

Tom's Valve Job

Dr. Sheffield just gave us the good word. He was able to repair the mitral valve using the Cosgrove procedure and surgery. He said it was very extensive, but he felt like it would "last a lifetime". He is now waiting to make sure the bleeding stops and all his other functions are working. We are all VERY relieved. Now we wait for the news he is in recovery.
We are blessed to have great friends here to help us along.
Dave, Jim Dex, Netta Michelle, Chris and Chicken Dan!!


Georgiann said...

Tell Tommy to remember the word MORPHINE!!!!!!!!!!! And praise the Lord!!

Netta said...

HI Tom

Thanks for letting us join your waiting room party. (Although it was rather rude of you not to show up to host it. Who sleeps through their own party?)
Where was the Patron and pizza? At least there was golf on tv and Susan's cool iphone to play with.

Sleep well and recover quickly. Make sure you let Susan have her share of the sheet tonight.

melanie said...

Hey Tom

Hooray! You did it!!! We are soooo happy for you & Susan!! Hang in there and get well soon!!

Be nice to all the nurses.

We love you!
Mel, Chris, Shelby & Zack

A.J. said...


I guess I am going to have to lodge a complaint with the AMA! It seems they are not giving you the therapy and fluids that you truly need. It is obvious that you are not receiving fluids of the fermented grain or distilled beverage varieties.

Shame on them.

By the way, leave the male nurses alone!

Jim Fielder said...

Hi Susan and Tom,

What a day for you! So happy to hear of it with the good news already you are doing well with excellent treatment. Since you are two of the best people on earth, it is appropriate you receive the best care.

Hope you get the rest you need tonight, and please let me know if there is anything I may do for you.

Love you both,

Jim Fielder

Mako Dude said...

Get well soon. I heard you were getting some kind of a "job" but I misunderstood the first word, and I really thought that was a private matter between you and Susan :-)
Heal up BIG GUY , football season and tail gate parties are right around the corner !!

Cory P. said...
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