Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Yesterday after Tom underwent the cardio-conversion, after he had a good dose of milk of amnesia ( a short acting anesthesia), and after he had the paddling of his life, he was coming out of his fog, and became Santa. He sat straight up (he's not supposed to use his arms) and announced "I'm here for a penile implant" and slurred something about Santa's Sausage, followed by a rant about a circular saw and going to a bar. Dr. Curtis, who has obviously not been to the Christmas Party, was somewhat awed. Even under the direst of circumstances, ol' Tommy was trying to be funny. The male nurse was cracking up. They let me watch the procedure so I would be sure he received his just dose of Ole' Sparky. Tom of course, claims "under the influence", and no long term memory of his checkered actions. Dr. Sheffield's ARNP, Kim checked in on him just now and would like to send him packing, but with the levels of blood thinner, wants to keep him in more day. This gives him more time to get the blood values just right. He, of course is thrilled.

Squatter Suzy


BILL GEYER said...

Louise and are are thinking about you and you're in our prayers. Great job on the blog susan, thanks.
Louise & Bill

ron ponton said...

You're a great sport . who esle would agree to be dismantled like an erector set and reassembled only to emerge with a sense of humor. It reminds me of the first Star wars movie with that silly robot or the straw men in the wizard of Oz, when he got dis assymbled, Tom, you do kinda favor the Strawman just a bit. You are an inspiration to us all just like Bud Levell, and Charlie spicola and a few others i know.
My Uncle Jim was an inspiration to me also. While at the VA nersing home on #0th street. I asked if I could take him out, to go into the country for a family reunion, and he said to me with a big smile... No thank you, The next time i leave this place, I'm going out in a pine box to be with my wife Trudy. It's incredible that a man can will himself to live or to die.
Tgh is to my knowledge the finest hosp. in the nation for heart sugery. I knew a Dr. Mckell and a Dr. Trice from my Dad's generation. i only heard good reports come out of that place where I was born. So, BULLY, BULLY, SCRATCH YOUR WOOLY AND SEE YA ON THE FLIP SIDE.

Rodney said...

Susan, thanks for keeping us updated on Tom’s progress. I’m glad to hear that Santa’s sausage is doing fine and the penile implant was a success. I should have mine checked too, if it can happen to a stud like Tom, then I’m in trouble too (although it won’t be BIG trouble). We love and miss you guys, take care. - Rodney, Omy, Austin and soon to be Reagen. (Tom, I will let you slide for not calling me back last week, but don't try to use this excuse again)