Sunday, July 22, 2007

Heeeere"s Tommy. Now all we need is Ed McMahon for the intro. " His port is leaking a tad, and no there was not a shoot out here last night. With the blood thinners, it looks like he's been in a rumble.
He was able to walk the hallways a couple times and up a few stairs. Dr. Sheffield was just in (does this guy have a life?) and basically told us he may stay in atrial fib for weeks, but that at some point he will stop it with either meds or some other less desirable procedures. Let's hope the drugs will do it. So as of now, he's back on an IV and monitors and looking like something out of Grey's Anatomy.
His spirits are good .
Keep your emails and comments coming. He enjoys hearing all the drivel from his buddies.
suzy, the nurse


Unknown said...

Hey Tom,

You're looking good! -- considering all you've been through. See you tomorrow morning little bro.

Love, Melanie

Jim Fielder said...

Hi Tom,

You look a little bloodied, buddy, but in strong shape. That's the best preparation for recovery from the stuff they throw at you. If you are not fully aware of the miracles these guys perform, let me call my friend Ed McCaffery to come down to tell you of his heart transplant there about thirteen years ago. He is still busy happily running his own business.

Not good for rest, though, Susan. Shall I smuggle you some goodies from the Fresh Market? Maybe Tom will share some goodies from his toradol(?) nurse.

Thanks for the postings for all of us who share desire for reports of your hospital breakout. You would be overwhelmed by the crowds who came down to cheer you through this. Your reports are greatly appreciated!

Hang tough,
