Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tommy's a Convert

Yippee Yi Yea. With only 200 joules, he converted his heart rhythm to the normal sinus beat. It would take a lot more jewels to get me to convert, but that's a whole new story. It has been said, he's an easy mark, and now we can prove it.

Dr. Applebaum and the fine folks at Pepin Heart hooked him up. The good Doctor even gave him the OK for a beer. Of course I suspect it's because we were at the epicenter of brewski's, Pepin. So in honor of Art Pepin, Tommy may have a cold one tomorrow while watching the 2nd and 3rd strings play for the Bucs. The good news is since it's the last preseason game, the roster is down to the league mandated, there is absolutely no chance of high level excitement, so he may be able to attend!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for a long playing song for his regular rhythm. His next hurdle will be slowly weaning off the meds.

Hugs and kisses to all!!


Friday, August 24, 2007


Yep, Tommy has been sighted (not cited) under the influence. Of caution that is. He is able to work a few hours a day. I don't know if there is a connection, but since he's been on IR, the entire mortgage industry has gone to the dogs. (no Mike Vick jokes here). Thank goodness he's back since the federal reserve had to bail out the secondary market. Whew.
He's walking daily and lifting little pink weights. I think they are about 10lbs each.
We had an EKG done yesterday, thanks to Fire Station 8 and Denny and Big Country, to see if Mr. "I got no rhythm" had finally converted, but he is still being stubborn. Even though Dr. Sheffield put the big squeeze on his ticker, the boys' got funky rhythm. So next week, Dr. Applebaum will hit the restart button on Wednesday to jolt him into sinus rhythm. Once he maintains a regular pattern, hopefully he will be able to get off the drugs.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.
Send some dance steps his way
suzy q

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hearty Har Har

Well I think the joke is on all of us. Tommy is doing fine, had a nice month siesta with round the clock care, didn't lift a finger (really) and what do you know, he feels great! No shit. Now the rest of us can relax and enjoy the Bucs.

Had an appointment with Dr Applebaum, the cardiologist, yesterday and he gave him a checkered flag. Still on all the meds to control his rhythm (or lack thereof), and rate (mortgage business) and thinness of his blood. In another two weeks if he still can't dance, he will undergo another cardio-conversion to shock him into the proper step. The only dance he knows is the escalator, the one with no steps.

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers, they worked!!

Oh and I forgot, Dr. Sheffield who went a few rounds with Tom's mitral valve, released him last week and said adios for another year.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lost Weekend

Tom is having a flash forward moment. Kinda like Groundhog Day. He gets up, takes his meds, naps, watches TV, takes some more pills and then feigns sleep. He is having a tough time sleeping. Lots of fevers and his heart is playing tricks on him. It sounds like a couple mice running around banging into each other and playing on a exercise wheel. It's the couch potato's version of working out. Unfortunately it doesn't let him get much peaceful rest. We've been on the phone to Dr. Applebaum all weekend, and it's HIS weekend off. Poor guy. But health care provider who is truly a doctor. Thanks. again for the hugs and kisses.

Suzy Homemaker

Friday, August 3, 2007

Yankee Doodle Dandy

After much speculation, it is now reported Tommy is the new successor to the Yankee Organization. As one of the reporters admired, "Tom's always had the balls to run around in big circles". Yessir, he's the man. And one of these days I'm going to introduce him to baseball.

Speaking of boring, that is what the doctor ordered for the next few weeks for the big guy. So away we go into seclusion. Mr. Macho is now Mr. Burrito. Stuffed and alone on a plastic plate. Cheesy, slightly tangy and goes well with cervezas. Of course I get all the brewski's.

I will blog daily to the delight of both of the readers, but his visits will have to wait.

As always, he really appreciates your comments and prayers!


Doctor Zhivago

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Couch Potatoes

Tom is recovering day by day. Has found his favorite dent in the couch and slides down into his old habit of lounging with the Military Channel/History Channel blaring away.

Bud was kind enough to drive him to Dr Applebaum yesterday. Had another EKG and a couple other tests. His resting heart rate was a tad to high, so the doctor doubled his beta blocker to keep it in the mid 60's. We go back tomorrow to have his oil checked (blood thickness) . Hopefully it will be somewhere like 10w30 and he will not have to subject his stomach to more injections. Right now he looks like I peppered him with a pellet gun. (not a bad idea when he returns to his pre-disability status).

Thanks to QB Deberg for the valet service on Monday. And to Robby, Denny, and Dave(I'm older than you and my chest is still intact) Small for the babysitting duties. He looks forward to outsiders now. You can only imagine how my presence is driving him to virgin marys.


Hot Lips

This is actually Clay Wiren. A future Couch Spud